Thursday, September 10, 2009

all i wanted for you

hi dear dear how are u. i know i shouldnt be calling u this anymore but i just cant help it. u noe ma. i miss u so much. i just finish crying only. i know you may be thinking why am i being so silly. i should move on and let go.but i is so hard u noe. in my heart and in my mind all i every wanted to know was how u were, how u are doing. how is everything going. your performance ok ma? ur dancing ok ma? did u practice hard hard? ur model show went smoothly ma? im so proud of my dear dear that you manage to become model for the show. im so happy for you dear. really so proud of u . but i cant be there to see u go for the model catwalk and fashion show and dancing. im so sorry really sorry. its not that i dont want to go see u or go support just that i scared of the feelings when i see you. i dono what i will feel and wat i will thinking.i scared i will get hurt more to see u during the IB night.but deep down inside i am very happy for you u noe. i am very support u and am very happy to see u accomplish so much without me. i hope u have are happy with the things u do. i will be happy to see u happy also. everyday i thinking of sms u or call u but i dare not cause i know u will feel very fan of me.annoy me. i dont want all i gan nian just keep to myself and try to rest and sleep.let it pass over.but u noe ma. i really wish that u would just sms me to just ask me how i am only. i just want u to care for me just a little only. im not want anything extra or want u do anyting for me.just a miss call would be enough. dear..i know you wont be reading all the things i write all this. our LD now has become the blog for me only. i feel so sad that each time i think of wat happen on 26 july.this is the day i will never forget and will regret for wat i said to u. i shouldnt have said all those things and i dint mean to break up with u and say that i will leave u u noe. i know u very love me and want to just be with me . i know now that u are happy for me to come find u and see u dear.but i dint appreciate it.its my fault. i blame myself for not giving ourself a chance.i blame myself for being like this and all this happen. if only that day i dint think too much and just sleep and wake up.den we would still be together happy happy. all i wanted for u was to give u xin fu and happiness only. that is all. i miss u so much u noe.i cant hug u or kiss u anymore. i cant know wat ur doing u are coping each day. how happy u are everyday. i dint mean to write the post in our LD de i really dint. i misunderstand u and im really sorry dear im really sorry. i should have take time to cool down and tink first but i was very evil. my mind all thinking stupid things. i hate it. i dono why i am like this. i really dono.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i will be strong

im so sorry i wasnt there for you when u need me the most dear. i really so sorry. i just wish i could have a chance to call u my bao bei dear dear once again and i just want to hear u call me silly dear once again. but now i cannot liao. i really wont hear it anymore. dear.. im so sad and so suffering inside. it is my fault and i really wish i have a chance to make things right again. i know you tried ur best to be with me forever and ever but i am the one who dono how to appreciate it and i will misunderstand u and simply simply thinking all the bad bad things. i really need you dear. would u come back to me? would u give me another chance? i need u so badly dear. witout u i cannot do anything.i feel my life is so meaningless. i really dont want to find another girl to replace heart and feel is just be with u only.just only u . u noe ma each time i wake up i hope that i can see ur call or sms but i know i wont see it anymore.cause i know you very zhu zhong the feel de. i only want to care you and give u all the attention u need. but i know that the words u say to me last time now is say to another person d. i just feel very cherish the moments we had together when we were together. how much fun we had together. how sweet we were doing so many things together. play shooting zombie together. watching ghost movie together. eating together. sing K together. Duet together. go beach together. sleep together. remember the superman thing. i miss your laugh dear. i really miss ur voice. everyday i cant hear ur voice i really miss u so much. do you still miss me? u got think of me ma even u buy doing ur assignment? i writing all i feel in LD cause i scared if i find u u will feel very fan and i dont want to hurt u anymore. maybe i just want to protect u and dont want u to get cheated or bully.cause i know bao bei dear dear is very innocent de.will easily emotion de.

do u noe how i feel?

it has been a month liao since we broke up with each other.and i noe u wont see our LD anymore. i dint want all this to happen and i dint expect that it would turn out this way. i love u very much in my heart do you noe? it is very very suffering for me.the pain in my heart still hurts very very much.each time i think of how stupid i was to say all those things to you it makes me feel like shit. i dint mean to say goodbye to you. i never wanted to leave you. cause i really wanted to be with u and have u in my life.i promise u i wont make u cry and wont do anything to hurt u but i did and i understand u wont forgive me and u wont have the feel anymore to be together with me because of the things i said. i too chong dong already and i dint ask u properly first and clarify and understand ur situation and all i did was just scold u and said all those stupid things. now i deserve it and regret but it is too late. it was my fault that i thinking all those things myself. i know i shouldnt. i will remember it de forever in my life. cause it made me realise how much u meant to me and how hurt i made u feel. i know now that u dint betray me, hurt me or wan to break up with me. it is my wrong to say goodbye to u. if i really have a chance to undo my mistakes i will do anything for the chance. im really really really sorry. i hope you can forgive me. do you know that it still hurts so much inside? my heart really really hurt until it wana come out. when i sms u that time to say all those things i crying cause i just want to be with u and i dono why i say all those thing to u .i know now wat i say cannot change the feeling anymore. i dont blame u to be with him cause it is all my fault and i dint appreciate you when i got the chance.. i should have appreciate you more when i was with you. i should have care for you more and listen to you more and change myself. but now you already belong to someone else. ur heart no more with me anymore. i will have to slowly let u go and i will slowly forget you. it is the hardest thing and i will hurt very very badly. everyday i just cry myself to sleep. cant eat properly no mood to do anything. no mood to watch movies no mood to go out with friends.just want to be alone and sleep in my room. i really wish i had a chance to go back to that day to change things. i just hope things will change and be better. im so sorry that i cause so much painess for you im really very sorry. Woan Man, i really very very love you and miss you so much. i dont want to make u feel anoy anymore. i just want you to be happy ok. i just want u to be xin fu.u gave me alot of nice memories. and the things we do together . i really really very happy to be with u. thank u very much for giving me the chance to love u. i will forever remember it in my heart de.i will be strong.

Monday, August 3, 2009

i feel that the feeling will come back like before when we are back together again...cause i noe that it is really very suffer to be apart from me so far away. i am very scared of this to happen do you know. is it because you have friends already that is why u cant have the feeling come back? it is very hurt and sad for me cause it hurts really really deeply, it feels the same way like you felt when you broke up last time...and i tried my best to save this relationship..i really do.. i am already near to you d ..i come to work in melaka as i promised just to be with you...i feel that i can give you a better life if you just give our relationship another chance...dont just throw away what we have gone through so much can? i just know that we can be more happy then before if you just believe. i really se bu de. everytime i think of all the things we did together, all the happy times and sad times i feel that ending it so soon is not what we both want...
is this how you want to end it all? is it really impossible d?
i just want to hear it from you only personally

Sunday, August 2, 2009

there is nth else in my heart

i oway ask myself izit i really wanna break with u...i owy jz wait n wait n wait n wait....i dunno i wan to wait till tell u the truth.i jz wanna wait until the time ...the feeling like b4 come bac.but wont comes bac.....i noe i hurt u very much...but in this moment..i really dun tink v can be togth anymore....not bcz of im still angry u...not because of wat u said in the last post in heart slowly dun have u.the time u said u wanna disappear in my really does...but i dun1...v cant be couple,but v can be fren...all i wan is jz like plz dun suffer urself anymore...i noe it is very sad for u,but when time go on,u will find tat this is the best way for u n me.if i still toght with u,i dunno when,this problem will happen tht time,dunno who will be the most suffer one.distance is the threat for u n me...whn u far away frm me....of coure 1st i will miss u like hell...but sonner,i will find my way to survive,in tht time...i will feel tat i dun need u so soli to say tht....but....i jz wanna solve all this to reduce our painess....i jz wish..u dun tink anythg wrong...the is no rite or wrong in a relationship....i hope u will get well soon...really...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Im now in a cybercafe in tanjung kling here near my workplace..which is also near to klebang. cause since my hostel room no internet line i have to come here to online liao.. so i wish i was in bukit beruang fang bian..what also have..but now i am here need to survive. it seems like this wont be the last message that i will write in our LD..when i read back wat i write last time i really very hurtful. i also dono why i would write such things. so very guo fen lor.i really hate myself so much for writing all those.i have to delete it cause it really very painful for me also. really unable to read it.i dint mean to write all those things dear. can you forgive me? can you give me a chance to make it all right again? I know that you are having hard time doing all the assignments and very busy to do your study. i just want to be there for you when you need me. actually i trust you de that you go out with boy just to study ok. i dint to mean anything else. i will think all this is because i keep on thinking of you and over guan xin ni liao...maybe i too free nothing to do but think of you so i will think alot of nonsense thing. dear you dont have to explain to me ok i believe the truth ok. when i read your reply i really very hate myself for not taking time to ask you further and to understand how you are doing there and what you are going is so very selfish and stupid of me.. i know that ok..i wont blame you for hating me de. i know that there is nothign else for you and sean cause i know you wont do anything hurt me de....i should have taken the time to ask you and listen from you. i will always trust you and believe you de dear. yuan lai you were very happy happy to tell your friends that i will be coming to melaka to sweet for you to din go back seremban just to see me and watch ice age with me.all this i want to know dear. i really want. i dint mean to execute you or not give you any chance. when i said break up is my biggest mistake in my life.i really really so regret to say it u noe.cause in my heart i dint mean to break up with u.cause i will die if i lost you. i really cannot live without u dear. please...i dont want to leave you and i wont disappear from your life and i wont walk far far away from you ...i know everything is i think myself that is why i really hate myself for it. My heart has only you and i willing to do anything for you. i know you dint do anything that betray me or hurt me i will wait for you ok. i want you back cause i really really love you so much i really do.i hope we can have a chance to be back together again and be sweet sweet. i just waiting for the day cause you told me that we need to give ourself time to calm down but you will find me de. i will be waiting for that day dear. i will wait until the day you come and find me. I miss you so much dear...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i really very love u n miss u....
i jz wanna be stronger....
i jz wanna let myself not so rely on u....
i jz wanna decline ur burdan....
i dunno y will happen all this...
im so soli...
but i really love u n miss u....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

i dunno why u will tink all this...i dunno how to explain n i dun1 to explain.i just wan to tell u the truth. whether u believe it or not, i jz wan to tell u the truth.
the sean guy is onli one of my gang, v..i really mean v, include all my frens oway hang out 2gth have dinner, study 2gth, selling thgs 2gth, jz one time go out to play due to v simply promise anth gang v will go out 2gth, who knows they really wan to go. Nth else, really nth else for me n sean.and wat u c in my mail box, i tol u, u r jz reading the surface but u never never tink of wanna noe the deep inside.y i would said like tat, y i would reply such msg to him, u thouhgt ur gf really so unshame to tok with a guy like tat?wat kind of person u tink of me?somemore he has his gf with one year stable relationship.wat i could do to him or to u n me?i dun wanna explain, or tel u wat i mean in the email is bcz i noe u r oway trust me, believe me, but now i noe u r not.u oway tink i will simply find anth n leave u alone.u thought everythg but u never thought i really need u, really appreciate u if not i wont walk such a long journey with u.u NEVER N EVER!!!u said i spend very happy time with sean, i feel very humour of it, spend hapy time?i never go out alone with him,never n ever.i never try to spend more than half day with him oso.our topic jz around IB event, selling thgs, how to stop selling thg, nth else.i dunno y u will say wat spend happy time with him.i suddenly felt u r how to say.u could creat the story urself jz to find a reason to break up with me.tats the point!i so disappointed when i read all this...heart pain until wanna take it out n i wish i could 4gt u frm now on!!!!!u can ask anyone of my fren, how happy when i tol them u monday will be working sweet m i when everyone ask me y i din went bac to sbn tat week n bcz i wanna wait u come to find sweet m i when i tol everyone i ady watched ice age with my bf...all tis u NEVER wan to noe!!!u jz wanna noe how i kidding with my fren n u jz tink everythg in the wrong way.tats all have in ur heart to me!u r jz execute me without giving me any chance.if u wanna leave me, i wont force u to be here.if u wanna disappear frm my life, jz walk far far n make sure u never turn ur head.dun regret with wat u do bcz i din do anythg wrong n all is jz u tink urself.yes, since u said goodbye to me, i will do watever thgs to 4gt u,as u wish.although it is really tough to me....but live as one person better than gth with a person no longer trust me.
i jz wanna say: I DIN DO ANYTHG THAT BETRAY U, HURT U, N I NEVER N EVER MEANT TAT I WANNA BREAK WITH U!!!!!plz rmb wat u have tell me now...n 4ever...goodbye!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

its 12.50pm 06 July 2009...the weather is raining so heavily outside..whole day dint stop rain a in bp in my house alone..everyone went out d left me here...last night i did a very stupid and silly thing...i got so emotional and simply think...i dono what happen to me...maybe is the loneliness inside of me...or maybe is the long long time that i cannot see u or feel u or touch u... when i receive ur sms saying that you were yamcha with ur frens and u saw my housemates.. i thought that when u saw my housemates only then u will tell me where u were...cause since i so far from u i cant see u dear..i cant noe what u are doing there..who u with...i noe that u will feel very fan and very sien if i everytime also ask u where u are and what u are doing...but ...i just want to noe...i will try to control myself not ask u so much time...dear dear...i know that u are very suffer that i am not there and you are finding your friends to accompany u and make u happy...but i know that u would go out with guys de...even dan du u also will go out...i pretend that i dont care but i really very unhappy...cause inside i really dont want other guys to be alone with u... dear u noe ma? i actually have no confidence in myself to keep u loving me very strong...but i am trying very very hard make u feel that i am there with u...make u feel i am near by u...
last night i totally could not sleep cause i know that u are out with 2 guys...i know i should not be like that...i know u also have the freedom to go out with who u want also...but i dont know why i feel like i cant do enough for scared really really very scared of losing you... i know as more and more days i am not around you...maybe you will feel that dont have me also u can be happy...but i really really very very love you do u noe this?
im very alone here dear...i wish i could just go back to melaka and stay with u forever...
that day when i call u...i just wanted to hear u and talk a while but i feel like u dont want to talk to me anymore...i feel so down and sad...i noe that u feel like we are going to have nothing to talk anymore soon...i dont want ...i really dont want to have nothing to talk to u...
dear...i need your strength for me to go on dear...i cant do this without u dear.. i really cant...
i dint even know whether you got come back last night or brain keep on telling me not to think so much but my heart keep on thinking of u dear...
i very scared that because of us quarrel then u will go out with the 2 guys and dont come home..
dear... i miss u so very much...i just want to hug u and feel u and love u...

just now i just read a very very meaningful story and i feel it dear....
































她喜欢你,她绝对不会拒绝你的拥抱,她只会害怕你的冷漠转身无声安静。    请记住,相爱的人不要轻易宣战,因为冷战带来的伤害,超出你的预计。






It's been so long since we last talk...missing u still

To a dearest miss ng woan man aka my bao bei dear dear,i miss u so much here.i feel so lonely without u...i dont know whether you have gotten used to life there without me already or not but for me i am still not really used to it.sometimes when i am doing something i will still think of you. maybe is the emptiness in my life or too much time to spend since i not yet start to work. but you have changed...changed so much..i scared tat i cant keep up with u...when u move more and more far away from me i scared that i cant keep up with u ...i dono how my life would be if i start to work...i noe it would be different as i have less time to sms u and talk to u..sometimes i asking myself that why fate make us to separate to different place. why other coupes can stick together but we cannot??? miss i girl that you love is very sufer...when u need her hug she is not around you, when u need a shoulder she is not around u, when u hope to hold her hand she is not there..although we need to separate to different places, but i trust her and she trust me.i believe we can face this challenge and i hope we can put effort together dear...i love u very muchsometimes i just want to know every thing that is happening to noe what you are doing every second and every moment..who u are with..who u are talking to...where u are..what u thinking of...every minute i will check my handphone and see whether got ur sms or not...or even a miss call also can...i hope u miss me as much as i miss u... maybe u very busy and feel that it is very fan to tell me everything that is happening... i wont blame u dear...i just hope that u can feel me dear as i feel u everytime...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dear dear this 5 days i have been thinking alot of you dear. i know you sure wondering what i am doing in Indonesia right?

Dear dear r u wondering where i am right now? what i am doing? how i look and go where play? ok la dear i tell you give you some summary on what i do ok dear?

1 Day Fly from Senai JB Airport take Air Asia. Reach Denpasar Bali Indonesia after 2 hours. Greeted by two indonesian drivers. Go to hotel by Van. 8 ppl per van. Reach the city Kuta. Stay in the Barong Hotel. Went sightseeing. see the environment very kampung. many many ppl and many many cars. got alot of statues and wood cravings and stone cravings. alot of temple and god statue.Saw ppl carry the things on the head without using hand de. The city very high class and very busy like KL. got so many ppl. alot of foreigner. Ang mo alot. Got many branded shops. Got billabong, D&G, Roxy, Quicksilver, Gucci, Chanel, Coach many many. Really is shopping paradise for girls lo. Got hard rock cafe also there.The roads so damn small.even smaller then melaka de road. then the drive skill super good. overtake the car so near want to bang liao de. gou li.scary everyone shout.The town got alot of clubbing and pubs and disco. got ppl invite you in de.but we dint go clubbing cause quite expensive. and mostly is ang mo inside de.wear sexy sexy somemore.The night life very happening there. Got performance ppl breathing fire. Walk so much then go back to hotel very late liao 12 midnite d. My friends all at the swimming pool beside there drinking beer. AFter that tired d then go back to room to sleep lo

2 Day Early morning have to wake up so not use to it cause normally will sleep until very very late only wake up. at 12pm only wake up. now 7am have to wake up really so tired and lazy. just want to lai chuang. lay in bed nia. Eat american breakfast at the hotel dining hall. got scramble egg and bacon and ham so nice. my favourite breakfast then got hot milk to drink. nice nice. after that we start our journey to go see all the places in indonesia. see all those artifacts and old old traditional things. went to the mountain hill cliff at Uluwatu. so scary cause very very high then look down so far somemore then if bu xiao xin fall down sure die de. the wind so strong somemore then the waves super big and high. went there to see the sun set. so beautiful dear. i wish you were there with me to see the sunset. then i can hug u and hold u in my arms and watch the beautiful sky. dear r i thinking of u everytime when im there. after tat went to makan near the beach. Call JIMBARAN. it is very very long beach and alot of shop selling seafood and buffet. then we all call the food lo.quite ok. the coconut water so damn big.drink one hour still havent finish. dono drink how many litre liao still havent kosong hhahah dear u want some? share with me lar. Yaloh dear indonesia dont LRT those kind of thing de. even bus also seldom have. got alot of van and cars and motorbike so many lo. wah dear u also got watch show introduce indonesia transportation de r...dear dear so clever ler..bu kui is my bao bei. yaya their LRT is like bus but is macam lorry those kind de.not nice to see also de lar.

yes dear i got enjoy all this de bao bei ...miss u alot and alot too hehehe...actually u can call me and ask me how de but very expensive lo . the feeling in the aeroplane super cool lo. when it take off u can feel the force on your stomach lo. then like got someone pushing you from infront like dat.then the stomach like fly up. hahah no zombies lar dear hahha snake on the plane so funny ler hehehehhe the snake from my room go into the luggage bag and go to the plane isit whahahah yaloh i also want to hug hug u.

3 Day Leave Kuta Barong Hotel and going to another place to stay. but go to visit Tanah Lot first. it is a temple on top of the ocean de. very very nice. very special lo took alot of pictures.Then we went to high up the mountain hill like frazer hill or cameron hill very very cold and the wind very cooling ler dear. very nice. suang. hahaha there we go and eat strawberry very nice dear. then got those small shops so we go there and alot of souveniors lo.i know dear dear like to eat strawberry right. hehehe then on the way down the hill the behind van accident. langgar with a motorcycle. but nothing happen lar the motorcycle just stracthes nia. dint fall down or hurt. then the driver need to pay for the damage lo. then the van just stop near the road side and everyone get down to take foto. damn fei man. but very nice the view from up there lo even though it is in the middle of the road. After that we went to see the Twin Waterfall. the waterfall very very high up lo dear. it is got 2 big waterfall then the water flow down together and high up. everywhere is the water. but we kena tipu lo. got one local guide said need to pay de even though it is free. pay so expensive but actually just one road for us to walk then can reach liao de.he say wat have to guide us scared we dono the path. kanasai.

after that at night we go to one of the beach to eat dinner fried chicken vege and dried fish. then got one person keep on selling the dolphine sourvenior to us but we dont want buy. after that we go to our hotel to stay d Lovina Excelsior Dolphine Hotel. The place is very very big. the boys room very very nice but the girls room very scary. got big big statue in the room somemore then hor got a dark cave in the toilet bathtub. scary.they do not dare to bath there.all go to other room to bath whahaha but then the room very 5 Star hotel feel lo. my bath room very very nice. like those high class house de. got washing room and bath tub and the toilet seat very nice. hahaha dear r our room beside do u noe is wat ma? u guess ler? hahaha sure u cant guess a ZOO !!! yalah really ler... is a zoo. got keep animals de. beside our room is rear deer and sang kancil. so cute ler. my fren de room behind is rear crocodile hahahahah so fei man... then at night we got go there for swimming. the pool water very very cold.

4 Day This morning so very early have to wake up d.5.30 am have to wake up. goodthing last night sleep early a bit.1am sleep ehehehe.then terus go to the beach and sit the boat go out to sea to see dolphine. the boat is like sampan like dat de. very small nia but got 2 bars besides to support the boat dont let it terbalik. we have to wear the safety jacket then for the ride. go to see dolphine ler dear so nice. then after that halfway stop in the middle of the sea and eat goreng pisang and drink tea. so nice. but my friend got seasick cause the boat stop and the wave goyang goyang. they all say wana go back tak boleh tahan then when reach the land they vomit liao. gou li.then alot of indon children come to sell souvenior. bracelet. shou lian jiao lian wat also got. then all go and bargain gou gou li. from Rp 10000 discount to Rp3000. dear in indonesia RM1 = Rp 3000. ahahahah so a bit not used to it lo.Then come back from see dolphine then go back to hotel again. the rest go to see the animal in the zoo. den i go back room to sleep 15 minit cause really very tired. hahahhaha den after that my fren come and and call me go makan d dont sleep. den go out and eat the breakfast from the hotel very nice. got friend mee, vege soup and roti planta and watermelon and wintermelon. then go and see animal. got parrot, owl, deer, and crocodile. then hor somemore got snake ler dear. scary u noe. they throw 3 small chicken into the snake cage and let it eat it alive ler. i saw it wrap itself around the chicken then slowly eat it into its mouth and swallow it. oh my god.gou li ler. then i got go and see dolphine show in the pool there.

day 1-uluwatu sunset,jimbaran bbq
day2-water sport,babi guling,buy clothes thr Krisna, go beach,nite at kuta
day3-tanah lot,strawberry,langgar kereta,twin water fall,lovina
day3- eat chicken and fish at seasid
day4- dolphin,Volcano ,coffee plantation ,nusa dua,another forgot temple name,"ti
tian",ubud,pork ribs
day5-ubud market and sukawati Shopping

Dear r.. i continue later ok...hahaha 1.30pm liao..want to eat dinner liao. u preparing for your class now right and blowing ur hair. Take care ok dear. have fun o. i love you very much. cant wait to see u soon. i miss u so very much dear. muaks muaks muaks.

Back from Bali,Indonesia. Missing my dear dear so much. 5 days dint see my bao bei.

dear dear i am reading the post you write for me. so long dint on our Love Diary (LD) liao...really very very sweet ler. it reminds me of the days and times when i am in penang working and you studying in far distance and we can still communicate with each other. it brings back the memory.but now it is starting all over again. i graduated have to come back to my lovely hometown batu pahat cause the contract over liao. i know i promised you that i will work in seremban or melaka but i dint find any job in melaka. i still doing nothing right now. dono what to do. no objective in life right now. so feeling very helpless.who can decide for me and show me the path that i should follow? it is all in a decision. the decision i make now will bring me to what i will become in 10 years later. i really very scared. very scared that i will choose someting i dont like or something i will regret later. i dono what to choose.everyday i wake up i am slap with this question. What should i do? haih~ how good it is if can turn back time and restart everything again. Study is still the best. Dont have to think of anything else besides wake up and study and eat. Assignments and exams and holiday trips. haih~ but that kind of life is over for me liao. now have to really think of the next step. My brain really full of question mark. The most important is still money. No money cannot continue study also. Work or Study, work or study....Dear dont worry ok i will decide soon de.i dont like to do nothing boring

dear dear you so cham de ler...until now only u know that i got post something in the blog. Oh my goodness. how long liao wor...from February to June liao wor...5 months cukup cukup you know. The LD also karat (Rusty)liao .got spider web d. hehehehe really so long dint login d.Its ok la dear. i wont blame you de ok. i know after i come back from penang it is the most happy thing that ever happen right?The day that i able to come back to your arms and see you and hug u and kiss and be with you forever and ever.Dear dont be sad and guilty ok. i know you very very love me de. Me too dear. i love you with all my heart also. I know y ou dint mean that in the msn. I also know that you said de all in the msn is opposite meaning but i just want to let you know that i feel very care about you and serious on what you saying everytime.I purposely misunderstand it de so that you will tam me de. sorry wor dear. :-) dont angry me ya. Yaloh dear. i am your stupid dum dum dear. always will be ok.hahaha i look smart but i also very smart ma not meh? a bit blur and clumsy sometimes lo.Dear i so happy that i can make u feel so warm and safe lo. i love you very much my sleepy dear dear.when you hug your piggu i sure wont forget it de. and the way that you sleep on the bed is so very very very cute.

Actually when i go to indonesia for my graduation trip i really so heart down and not happy and sad. because i will be leaving Malaysia and i will be so far far away from my dear dear. maybe because everyday i can talk and hear dear dear voice but now i can seldom hear from her d. i so sad.before get on the plane i sms my dear dear to let her know that i am leaving liao. that i am thinking of my dear dear. to let her know where i am and how much i am missing her and thinking of her. i know you may be wondering what i am doing and how i am look.i just want to make u feel that i am just beside you even though i am not. and i am so far away from you i know how hard it feels to separate from you. how suffering it is.every moment just thinking of you but cannot do anything. cannot hear you cannot see you cannot feel you and kiss you. As i am writing this line i am tears in my eyes. i seldom cry when i writing things de. this is the first time. i really very very very miss you dear. when can i see you and hug u ler? i am just wondering. Dear, do you cry in the night when you thinking of me? is it very very suffering inside your heart?dear, i really really regret leaving you alone in melaka. can you forgive me ? please please please. i know you cant hear me right now cause you are still sleeping in bed.I wont disturb my dear dear sleeping de.LEt my dear dear sleep shu shu fu fu.when she wake up den i can hear my dear dear voice d.

Dear very very thank you that you would feel happy for me bao bei. i very grateful that you would wish me happy nice trip. Love you so much. Give you big big kiss first. Muaks muaks.I know it is so hard for us to be away from each other so far. Everytime you call me the background sound so noisy cause maybe got crowd or got lots of ppl around gua.i want to tell them to just shut up and let me speak to my dear dear but too many ppl liao.When i hear your voice i also feel very very happy. i know how much you missing me everyday when im not around. i feel so guilty that i cant accompany u there.i also want to find you fast fast and just hug u tight tight before i leave. dear you guai guai waiting me to come back i will reward you ok. i would never forget you waiting for me de.when i go for trip i will always keep you in my heart and always thinking of you. whether you are ok or not in melaka. cause you are alone there and no friends i dono whether you can be strong or not. cause i know that my dear dear very weak de and dono how to do things and need my help de but now i cant be there for her i really dono wat to do. dear r i promise you i will help you whenever i can ok dear. dont worry ok.somemore i not there to bring dear dear go eat dinner liao dono dear dear everyday eat maggie mee or not.i so worry about you dear. i just want to take care of you and not make you suffer but now we are both suffering like hell. is it cause we love each other and miss each other so much till go crazy d????

Dear dear i got some happy news for you. i buy alot alot of thing for you. so many souvenir i hope you will like it lo. even though i happy happy o trip but still i got think of you dear. trust me ok ok. i dono how to choose present de so i just feel what is nice for my dear dear then i just buy lo. dear if you dont like it then let me know ok??? dear the first day without my call message and msn isit very hard to get through? dont cry bao bei dont cry. got 2 piggu accompany you still can ma? imagine the piggu is me ok dear dear.cause is me give dear dear de. so it is very very super special. dear dont worry . i got eat full full everyday even though the food not very delicious. all malay food. chicken and fish. only got 1 type of vege only so lousy. then the chicken and fish so very very dry. no sauce at all de. but the chilly very very nice and super hot. orange colour de. so spicy.yes dear i everyday also wear nice nice cause i know you want me to look good right? i everyday before i go out also got wax hair de.thank you cause you give me the wax o. i will remember you when i travelling. dear i know you feel very depress cause u cant know what i am doing and it is impossible also. i know you very very miss me so very much and you also feel very unsafe. dear i will be strong for you ok. if you face problem just call me dear. i will help you solve it ok? i will do my best to give you help and support you need dear. it is like i am just beside you nia. i know you rely on me very much de even though u say u want to be independent and you know how to solve everything your own but i know you very timid and shy de.if you dont have me you dono how to solve the problem de. dear i will help you ok. you are not alone.

dear i dont mind you to rely on me ok.i know this week is very tough challenge for you but now i come back liao so you can still rely on me ok hehehewhen you hear me leave you got cry ma dear? i also want to see u and feel you everyday and talk to u everyday. hahaha i know when i keep on asking me questions you will feel very fan. actually i am not very know how to talk de guy de. i dono how to find topic to so sorry dear. i normally will just keep quiet de.when ppl talk only i campur.thats why i keep on asking you questions lo. if i am not around can i ask u many many thing? u wont feel fan? hahaha dear ar i also prefer the days i live with you and do everything with you da bao for you. now you are alone liao u have to do all this thing by yourselve ok? dont think too much of it . i know it is very hard.if you really cannot control just call me ok?

i also miss the time when i can stay with you and do everything with together eat together sing togeter watch movie together hold hand together eat mcD together go shopping together. i also wish that i can turn back time and live those days when we can laugh loud loud together and can hear u ngam ngam me like ah po like dat. make you feel angry is the worst cause very hard to tam you back de dear dear. but i also feel the happiness when i success tam you back lo dear. everyting is about you bao bei. i really dono how to live each day without u. haihz~but i know i have to be strong cause you still love me very very much right?

Dear dear start new sem weird after exam then holiday 2 weeks dint go back melaka.dint drive back pass by those road and reach bukit beruang turn into petronas and pass by the big tree and turn left then reach temple then turn right and go straight. so feeling uncomfortable that i dint go back melaka.maybe is too xi guan the life in melaka liao. now too relax in bp also so sien. how is your life in new sem dear? still can cope ma? lecturer good ma? got give alot of assignment right? dont worry la dear.. all this is just temporary de..last time i also got this challenge but now still the same will get through it de ok dear. trust me. i have confidence that my dear dear can do it de. dear i am so happy also that i can be with you till today dear.i will come to melaka find you soon cause i cant bear the suffering of staying so far away from you. really very hard to control. wah dear you turn ur phone to not silent just to wait for me to message you r? so disspointed . i should have message you lo dear. dear r u went to mmu corner to eat still ok ma dear? i know dear dear dont like to go MMU corner eat de but u just walk a bit more then can go 663 eat liao ma right? just go straight only. dear u dont feel too sad la ok? if u sad me lagi sad least u got hui mee can accompany you makan r. just bear a while lo. find other place to eat beside mmu corner lo near near de.yes dear. after two years we can be together forever liao. even though i cannot confirm anything right now but i will do my best to be with you ok bao bei.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dear is tuesday, u went to Indonesia second day le, how is it? nice to play?i hope u really enjoy it.i miss u alot alot is my 2nd sch day...den i so bad luck.v lucky draw who wanna be the leader of the most difficult subject---business ethics.then ur dearest bao bei me, be the very lucky one---i got the lucky paper which write a big big one capital letter "L" (means leader), i really felt the sky so dark..suddenly all bcm black...haha...dear y i oway so lucky???i wanna phone u and ask u how i can reject it,wanna hear ur consolate voice....wanna hear from u saying u r support me and will be by my side whenever i need u. but i cant.i just can go bac to my the assignment again and again and find out what v gonna do with the assignment.haiz..if u r here,i sure will rely on u,call u read den tell me wat to do.i really need u dear.

today i feel so bore and miss u very much.suddenly feel wanna let u know wat i doing and how was my during my lunch time,while waiting for the food,i took out my hp and typed a msg for u.when i press the "send" button, i feel u r just in malaysia and waiting for my msg although i know it is not.but suddenly,my phone vibrate and show me the delivery report.i just got one feeling---surprise and one thg tinking in my mind---dear dear is not going so far frm me...but since u din reply me as soon as possible,i know it was just coincident.mayb u put ur phone in somewhere else in malaysia.mayb just this second the msg reach ur phone but u cant reply in the following second...maybe..alot alot excuses to tell me,u really leave this country.u r nt able to reply me and just now was just coincicent....but...u did reply me dear...i shocked at the moment...i checked everythg possible to find out izit somebody sent wrong msg for me or u typed the msg few days ago and now onli sent to my phone. but it is not dear,its really from u...i'm so glad!!!really so glad!!!feel wanna tok to u many many thgs happen to me this few days when u r not around.however,u tol me it is really coincident the phone has signal beside the beach and very happy lost half.and i noe i should wait u more 5 really not the time for me to tok to u...but is long as i know u r all rite there...den i not so worry liao...take good k dear...

dear so i cook maggi mee for my dinner.because i really lazy to go out to eat.u r not beside me,tasteless for everythg.when i tink of last time v go to many places eat dinner with u,feel so miss the time...why tat time i wont feel everythg is so important to me.maybe it is really true....when u lost somethg,u will feel appreciate it.when i lost u,i feel so miss u.i can suddenly go to kiss u,gv u a hug, pinch u, blek u...and call u many many time "silly dear".so misss tat time....if u can get the government sponsorship and study in melacca...i tink it is the best new i ever heard in this year....i still can be with u my dear.den v can be with togth again and do watever v like again....even v r just can stay in a transportation to go DP and MP, i oso happy to be with u....

dear dear...second day in indonesia...what have u done in that country?izit the whether still ok for u?izit nice to play?the hotel nice??sure u happy because it is near the beach.u love sea dear..just like u love me...u will feel very happy if u beside me..rite??what have u ate for ur breakfast?lunch?dinner?have u beep leng lui from anyway?sure u have....leng lui with bikini...but i onli forgive u tis time,if nxt time u beep again,i wont so good let u free...because now is ur relax time so i let u relax oso.hehe...dear izit i so good for u??

today i meet alot of fren was last time ady knew de fren but lost contact liao today meet back them.feel abit happy like everybody has changed.change to more mature,not like b4...childish...haha.i tink i have change too...maybe yes,mayb no.for sure i have change to become more and more luv u feel tat???

it is ady late nite.i should go to bed ady 1.04am...tomorrow 8am class.i have to sleep early.dear dear also ya..sleep early so tat u can play more hard in the nxt day.just wanna say till now i still very very miss u.without ur call ur msg and ur msn nudge...feel so free...nth to waiting for,nth to do objective in my life.mayb ur existence is fulfill my lonely life..wait u come back dear....muack muack muack..good nite dear...c u....i luv u so much...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hehe..untill today i only know u have posted the blog in Feb 20...soli aft being together with u i din come to this blog to c.after reading the blog,i will so sad and guilty.Im so sorry dear...actualy i'm not mean that...all i said in msn is opposite meaning,but i dunno u will misunderstand it and dun listen to my call to explain to it.Actually i know u are stupid dum dum dear,many thg u din get the meaning properly.ur look r so smart like know everythg but actually u r stupid like dum dum...but i still luv ur stupid dum dum face,make me feel so warm and safe....

today is dear dear leaving malaysia day....feel so bu she de.but dear dear happy, i should happy for him i wish my dear u have a happy nice trip.althoough everytime call u or u call me the background sound also very noisy and i cant tok to u properly,but when i listen to ur voice i really happy.i just wanna say i will be missing u everyday when u r not around beside me.feel wanna go to find u and hug u tight tight before u r going to indonesia.but i know it is imposible so i can just at melaka here wish u good luck and guai guai wait for u to come bac.dear...did u remember to bring me alot and alot souvenir???

today is only the 1st day without dear dear call,msg and msn.still have 6 days....i must be strong and do not cry because of missing dear dear so much.i got piglet 1 and 2 accompany me just like dear dear accompany i'm wondering izit dear dear got eat full full??wear nice nice??sleep tight tight??izit got miss me very very much as i do in melaka??izit everythg good to him....i wan to know all i wan to,but i tink it is impossible....feel so depress...i really miss u so much u know???dear not around,do everythg oso feel unsafe.if i face a problem how?who i gonna to ask?if my computer sot liao how??who can help i only realize that,i rely my dear very he is a part in my life,without him,i dunno how i face all the trouble in my life.alway,when i face some problem sure will call dear dear say "help"...but this week,is a challenge for me.i could not do anythg like call o msg dear dear cz dear dear is far away frm i have to challenge myself,not so rely on dear dear...but i know when u r coming bac...i will still rely on u de...maybe more tim~~~ngek ngek ngek....

when i heard u o feel u wanna leave me far far away,i will feel bu she de and wanna cry.i wan to c u and feel u everyday,i wanna tok to u everyday,although sometime will feel abit "fan" if u keep asking me somethg,but after tat i wish u can ask me many many thg since u r not around.den i can tok to u,know wat u did tis day,where u go tis morning,doing wat in afternoon,izit miss me at the sem has start dear..i have to live in the day without u.i have to take k myself,do many thg my alone,da bao alone.everythg back in to the day before i meet u..but i prefer the day i live with u.everyday do all the thg with together with u,eat with u,sleep with u,watching movie with u,doing assignment with u...i so miss last time.sweet sweet day.u alway make me laugh loud loud,make me ngam u like ah po,make me feel angry,make me feel happiness.everthg oso u i wish time can turn back.

today is the 1st day of new sem.but i'm not happy with the new sem life,i'm happy with i can be with u till today dear,im waiting for u to come to melaka find me.i'm so glad to waiting for the day u is the 1st day....after my 1st lesson in new sem, i took out my phone and wanna turn to not silent cz i thought mayb u will send me msg.but after i done tat onli i realize tat,i will misconduct with u in a week.feel so dissappointed.dear is the 1st day,i really went to MMU corner with hui mee leh...she said she feel wanna eat thr...haha...i tink continue will be more n more day i will having my dinner there, like before.but nvm,i tink tis kind of life will be end after tis two years,maybe i can be with u forever liao,although now i dunno how is the situation in the future,but i will try my best to be with u forever.

wondering where r u in which hotel?go to where to play?how is the environment?i tink dear dear u will be arrived in clock 5 or 6 something izit??den now should be standing beside the airport street,wondering how to go to the taxi?bus?train?erm...indonesia no LRT those kind of thg rite?last time if i no mistake i watch a show introduce the indonesia transportation,their LRT is a bus izit??dunno,mayb yes or no...hehe...i hope my dear u can enjoy all this.dear......miss u alot and alot....really so miss u...wanna call u and ask how r was the feeling in the aeroplane?meet any zombies o snake??(snake on a plane and life for dead movie)hehe....dear dear...i wanna hug hug now....if it was the last time,now i should be slept on ur bed plus snoring(u must say i have eventhough i dun have),den waiting for u to kiss me up to dinner.very miss the last good if u r here...muack muack muack....but i tink u r happy in indonesia tis moment,so i happy for u too...hehe...i love u dear.

feel missing u dear dear....

do what also no mood, dear...

miss miss miss u dear...

smile for dear dear...

A long distance kiss for u dear...
i love u forever dear....miss ya.muack~~

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today is 20 February 2009, this morning very early then wake up d...saw my dear dear's cute cute face sleeping...feel wanna hug hug her tightly in my arms. she sleep so soundly so i dare not kacau her...dear u hugging piglet in ur dream also r hwhahahha..kekeke..dear i love u so much dear. so i quietly woke up without disturbing my dear dear den slowly go and do big big business in the toilet. after that i take bath den go in the room. when i on the light , i terkejut my dear dear ...she very sensitive to light de hehehe den she woke up jor. Sorry wor dear..dint mean to do it..hehehe anyways dear dear walk with me back to her EP place. i walking to school. dear dear normally dont feel like talking so early in the morning so i just accompany dear dear walk. its nice to just walk and have u beside me dear. today so early then go to school liao. very sleepy man. half walk half eyes close. when reach the class dono wat the lecturer teaching also. just sit in the classroom and listen nia sambil talk talk to my friends. bosan man. wondering what you were doing. since u got 9am class dono dear dear go back terus tidur ler or go to get ready for class. whether my dear dear is bathing and make up d or sleep like pig pig in the bed. hahaha dear miss u so much

after that the class stomach got music somemore. growl growl growl. hungry man.. so went to eat breakfast with my friends. how nice if dear dear can be with me and eat breakfast with me together. eat lo mai kai.hahaha dear want some? i tapao for u lo
so after eat breakfast feel sleepy again den go back tidur tidur till lunch time. waiting for my dear dear to finish her class den i can go and eat with my dear dear liao. everytime i just thinking of my dear dear and i like to eat with her cause i want to see her. cannot miss a minit without seeing her. dear you are very very important in my heart ok.

after sent my dear dear go back home den i went back and get ready to go for class again at 2pm. sien man...3 hours straight class...till 5pm. waiting to come back home so that i can see dear dear and eat with her.but mana tau when i come back got a bit dissapointed. saw dear dear dint online. must be sleeping liao lo like dat. den i sms my dear dear but she dint reply me for so long... dear dear you sleep so long de meh u har...
around 7pm my stomach hungry hungry jor...dear..wake up le ma? why havent wake up o.. i wanan eat dinner with u ler... then my friends ask me whether wanna go out eat ma but i said to them no need la...i wanna eat with my girlfriend. then they all leave without me. i waiting patiently for my dear dear cause she just woke up and wanna go bath. then i go and do my presentation slides for tomorrow. but when i call dear dear she like very bad mood like dat then i so scared that dear dear suddenly say she dont want eat. she said later a bit lah... so i just reply ok lo..when you hungry den tell me ok...

but it dint seem to be so happy afterwards...when i go and find my dear dear it seems like she not very happy like dat.when i smile at her then she smile back very fake. not a real smile. dear is something troubling u? then after she come out of EP we walk to the makan place and i hold her hand but it seems like she dont want to hold my hand. so i ask her is it you dont like me anymore? then she replied...yes.. i was hurt. suddenly i felt like something very pain in my heart. i kept quiet. but i still hold on to her hand. den suddenly she push away my hand and let go. i really dont know what to do...isit something happen? why is my dear dear acting like that? for the whole journey i dint speak a word. i was very very confused.
after dinner then come back on MSN she suddenly gave me a message that really very very hurt me.

mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i hate u n i dun miss u very much lo
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i dun feel like wan to c u lo
KitKat® Cant Stop Thinking of You says:
KitKat® Cant Stop Thinking of You says:
why ler
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
n i dun feel like wan to hug u lo
KitKat® Cant Stop Thinking of You says:
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i everyday oso wont tink of u de lo
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i realli realli dun miss u u noe
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i reali dun feel like wan to be by ur side
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i hate u i hate u u noe

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day so dark. is it going to rain le i wondering. oh ya hor.. forgot liao now oledi 8.51pm d sure dark la. is night time jor ehheeh...but wind is being coldly into my room so liang so cool so nice hehehe..nice feel.. dear this few days raining le...go thunderstorm somemore...saturday and sunday stay at home missing you...whole day raining from morning to night non stop ...dont feel like going just stay at home wu liao de ren ahhaah dear never i let you say me..dear only can say me ben, sha huai, suai, lan, fei, and hamsap heheeh ok? only i will let my bao bei dear dear say me. no one will have the right to say me except u. heheh i dont care how bad u say me or how huai you say me i will still love dear with all i have and with my full heart. ni shi wo de zui zui ai. dear i know dear...i also very very gua zu lei (thinking of you) hen xiang nian ni. actually i dont bare to leave you alone think of you de dear. because not only you very miss me. im so far here i also alone here missing you like crazy do you know that dear? dear you will thinking of me till cry? why le dear? dont cry dear dont cry...another 18 more days then we will be back together liao dear. i will be home soon bao bei dear dear. just ren nai ok. i know that i really cant wait to go back to be with you. just a few more days only ok dear.

Dear dear dear dear we will celebrate many many new year together dear. Year 2009 is just our starting year. we have very very long journey still to go. and i want to spend every moment of that journey just with you can? just be by yourside and do everything together with you. as long as your with me i will live everyday to the fullest and i will feel very xin fu and happy just because i have you dear.

Dear actually i feel the most luckiest guy on earth is more happy and more lucky feeling than striking 4D jackpot...but if can let me strike ma piao oso not bad hor hehehe bao bei...since the very first day i with you i have always been very kai lang and i always know that you will be beside and then i wont be sad and i will do everyting with passion and full of love dear.
Dear now is exam hai hao ma? got eat properly ma? got sleep enough ma? hui xin ku ma? all this i only thinking in my mind everyday every minit...dear you really have made me sha mind all is about you do you know? dear exam period i wish that i can be with you dear so that we can study together and dont let you suffer so much...dear i dont want to see u xin ku ok?? i want to accompany you study till late late...if i close my eyes or feel wanan fall asleep pour water on my face ok dear then i will wake up liao hhehehe...dear dear sorry that i cannot accompany you must jian qiang ok ? then dont lazy wor...must jia you jia you study ok? i know you very rajin study till very very late liao...good job proud of you.

Dear do you know that day when i receive your sms after your exam i very very very super duper happy ma.. i suddenly feel so wonderful and my world become like so perfect like dat. dear its ok least got those question you manage to do then is ok liao...dear im very proud of you that you know how to do..means that your study dint go to waste dear...all your effort is worth it de..hehehe chio man..high five baby... dear hahah got ppl ask you whether you patoh r...your forehead there got write you patoh meh? or you where a t shirt there said [ NOT AVAILABLE SORRY ]
ohh yuan lai you and that gong zhu is same ID number de r...always sit so close...erm you and her good fren isit..
Dear it is so good to hear that you are happy and feeling so xin fu and everyday full of laughter...cause lou po zai hoi sam ngor zao hoi sam lo hehehe
hahahah dear u noti la..when got thing happen then think of my ham sap ham sap face...walau eh..what la..cannot think of my xiao shuai (small handsome) face meh ? har har har? cannot meh? cannot meh? hehehe
dear if you want to show off to the others that we are very xin fu i dont mind de r.. cause i want to show to the world how xin fu we are hehehe want to make them so jealous of our xin fu-ness heheh ok ok ok lo...i will forgive u wahahhaha

dear im very serious de ren de ok hehehehe...we both serious de ma good lo...dear i really treat this relationship very serious de..den i dont want to play play de ok dear...wo tui ni shi ren zhen de
i really dont wish to lose you as my girlfriend cause i really treat you as my one and only and i hope that we can go to the end...go on together forever...everyday hope for the best dear. you know ma? not only you zai nu li ze ok? me oso got 努力着维持我们的感情 ok. i dont want to hear those two words. i dont want to say those two words and dont want to even know those two words ok. i just want to be with you. i dono what i will do without you.

walau eh...say me huai huai ren again know me best lo bao bei.. no one know me more than you do lo..erm...follow proceduce shi ying gai de ma...u will fall asleep meh if follow procedure? then i ma pour water on ur face lo dont let u sleep wahahhaah...ok dear...hehehe i follow you dont follow procedure ok? ok ok? heheh
if you like chi ji gan de dong xi then wo jiu bu zai yi de wor..hee we hui gei ni gou gou li.. extreme 刺激 wahahhahaha...but i will control de hehe
Dear last night when i call you i feel so warm when i can hear your voice do you know ma? it is like you are just beside me talking to me only...but i touch my pillow.. haihz..dear i want to touch u can ma dear? can can? i dotn want to touch pillow i want to touch you dear..touch your hair, your lips your hands your leg your body and your ...erhm..erhm... dont tell you ehheeh dear i want to fill you dear.
i want to let you know how much i love you in my heart bao bei

Dear dear friend went to Tokyo Japan then took photo of something interesting le dear... he told me then i really cannot believe my eyes u noe ma..really really cannot believe it... then he fast fast email to me...when i open it....

Monday, January 5, 2009

笨dear 傻dear 坏dear 衰dear 懒dear 肥dear hamsap的dear...我最爱的dear.......你知道我很想念你吗?为什么你那么忍心让我独自一个人想你想得那么久。dear有时候想你真的想到很想哭的呢。。。dear你有像我一样这么想你吗?
dear, 2009年是我们在一起的第一年哦。
make a wish...我要永远跟你在一起。
对不起dear dear最近忙着读书都很少来LD写东西了。
我觉得he is nth to me anymore。
between me and 公主。
好像有什么心事,一想到dear你ham ham sap sap 的样子我就觉得好幸福。
dear 我不是有心要show off你给我的幸福给别人看的,
就是虽然我们是couple but 那种feel 就像是跟很好很好的朋友那样。
我不喜欢那样咧dear,everytime must be serious,很累的。
but dear...
我是很serious的咧!!dun play play ar....
你是属于我的dear,我不会给任何人机会夺走我最心爱的dear dear。
还假假说要follow procedure。。。
你在office follow prosedure, 在家又follow你不sien的吗??
come on abit can???dun be shy...hehehe...
因为dear 我喜欢刺激的东西,所以我还是比较喜欢无端端seduce你,
dear actually你还有想念你的ex的吗?
有时候你会用我跟你的ex compare吗?
因为我要和你有一个super happy ending...
很想摸着你的脸,看着你的眼睛,然后轻轻地对你说:“dear, i love u forever....”
对咯dear, 你可以不要每次叫我大大声地对你说i love u 吗??
ok?ok ok ok?

Friday, January 2, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DeAR...Bao Bei Dear i want to wish you a very happy new year 2009 ..wish that this year will be a better year than last year dear. i wish that this year brings more hapiness and luck for us bao bei. just wish that i can spend every day every moment together with you in this new year. Dear on new year's eve was one of my happiest days together with u although we are miles apart but i stil can feel you beside me. just like i hold you and hug u while ur beside me. when i hear your voice my heart was pumping even more faster. dear this is the first time i countdown the new year with u o ... u must always remember it ok ok ok? i will always keep this in my heart forever de...u at the beach there then i at the queensbay there we countdown nice ehhehe sure dear i remember that this is our 3rd celebration together..first is dong zhi ma then 2nd is christmas ma then 3rd is new year ma correct? heheh sure correct la...i where will forget the moments i spend with you de wor..i always will keep in my heart de.
dear i really make u feel so xin fu? really reall really? how much ? how much xin fu? hehehe..dear when i hear this i super fill with joy cause i want you to feel xin fu together with me.i want everyday of ur life to be fill with me and joy.everything u do i oso want to be part of it. u sleep i oso want to sleep with u. u eat oso i want to eat with u. u drink i oso want to drink with everything with u. just you and only you. dear you know ma? this last few days i very very very miss u u noe ma. ever since i come back penang i miss you like crazy every time. why like this r dear? then when last night we talk on the phone i very happy that i can hear ur voice even for a moment. dear i really feel very warm when we can talk on the phone. it makes me feel very close to u.
Dear...i know im busy with my work but u must know this dear..i everytime i working in my mind i will always think of you. sometimes my whole mind is full with u den i cannot have any space to do my work liao den my supervisor will scold me. sometimes i do halfway my job den suddenly will fa tai. daydream. that is the time when my whole mind is thinking of u. u really can make me stop like dat. dear...u very powerful le.dont like dat la dear. give me some space for my job oso ma. dear dear so greedy want to ji into all my brain wahahahha.. bao bei wo zhen de hen xiang ni. even if my job very busy buy i will every second every minit will care of you and wanting to know what you are doing there. i will keep you in my heart forever and ever dear.
bao bei dear dear i dont want to lose you can? i really very afraid of losing you cause i already have fallen deeply in love with you d. no one can replace you liao.i have you u in my heart complete liao.i everytime will think of the happy things we do together then i will sha sha laugh there myself wahhaha...i really got so silly meh dear hehehe
aiyo dear r if i not funny then u will still like me meh? hahaha u want me to be the serious serious kind of bf ? wahh i scared u will scared man...
what 做坏坏的事 o..heheheh dear dear naughty lo..ppl busy finding movie for you to watch then u suddenly dono what ahppen become so high like dat terus kiss me and touch me..aiyoh...make me like dat lo..blerk~~
next time i will try to control myself liao hehehe dont so easy let u seduce me hehehe
but actually i like u to seduce me de wahahhahaha

har? dear u dono i know how to build computer de meh? even before i come to intel to work i already know how to build liao de is very easy de actually..ahhaha dont see like very complicated. even you oso can build it de. you really so shock meh? hehehe if im not more smart and more li hai den u den i not fit to be ur bf liao wor..cause i want to be able to care and take care of you de ma. dear u know ma...our love so strong i feel like everything is nothing liao. mean i can do anything i put my mind to. i can achieve excellent when i have you dear.i can be very successful with you and our love dear. you are very very very important to me bao bei.
bao bei dear wo hui jia you jia you de also k..must study hard and be hardworking liao ok dear...i oso want to see you success.then we together can be very successful and have a good life in future. dear i feel that we can cause we last time do many things together liao den i feel our teamwork very keng. no one can so perfect match us liao owowow..

bao bei dear...wo jie shou ni.. dear i very appreciate your support and gu li de ehehehe dear yesterday i send you all of those sms i really mean it de ok. i really love you very much dear. i will never stop loving you for watever reason. i really cant make myself to stop thinking about you.everything about u. i have fallen deeply in love with you. dear another few more weeks nia then i can see my darling bao bei liao..ehhehe so happy..wo hui nu li de dear. the sweetest moment we can spend together liao. dear we still have manny manny manny manny things havent do together dear... like go shopping go holiday go themepark play sleep at the beach and watch stars,see sunset togehter..all this things i want to do with dear dear. i just cant wait to see you and be together with you
dear i love you very very very ultra much...
ai shi ni...

dear dear dear...where is our pics dear..i want i want i want...dear post it la dear...please please please..u have alot of pics havent send to me le..when can i get it o?????