Today is 20 February 2009, this morning very early then wake up d...saw my dear dear's cute cute face sleeping...feel wanna hug hug her tightly in my arms. she sleep so soundly so i dare not kacau her...dear u hugging piglet in ur dream also r hwhahahha..kekeke..dear i love u so much dear. so i quietly woke up without disturbing my dear dear den slowly go and do big big business in the toilet. after that i take bath den go in the room. when i on the light , i terkejut my dear dear ...she very sensitive to light de hehehe den she woke up jor. Sorry wor dear..dint mean to do it..hehehe anyways dear dear walk with me back to her EP place. i walking to school. dear dear normally dont feel like talking so early in the morning so i just accompany dear dear walk. its nice to just walk and have u beside me dear. today so early then go to school liao. very sleepy man. half walk half eyes close. when reach the class dono wat the lecturer teaching also. just sit in the classroom and listen nia sambil talk talk to my friends. bosan man. wondering what you were doing. since u got 9am class dono dear dear go back terus tidur ler or go to get ready for class. whether my dear dear is bathing and make up d or sleep like pig pig in the bed. hahaha dear miss u so much
after that the class stomach got music somemore. growl growl growl. hungry man.. so went to eat breakfast with my friends. how nice if dear dear can be with me and eat breakfast with me together. eat lo mai kai.hahaha dear want some? i tapao for u lo
so after eat breakfast feel sleepy again den go back tidur tidur till lunch time. waiting for my dear dear to finish her class den i can go and eat with my dear dear liao. everytime i just thinking of my dear dear and i like to eat with her cause i want to see her. cannot miss a minit without seeing her. dear you are very very important in my heart ok.
after sent my dear dear go back home den i went back and get ready to go for class again at 2pm. sien man...3 hours straight class...till 5pm. waiting to come back home so that i can see dear dear and eat with her.but mana tau when i come back got a bit dissapointed. saw dear dear dint online. must be sleeping liao lo like dat. den i sms my dear dear but she dint reply me for so long... dear dear you sleep so long de meh u har...
around 7pm my stomach hungry hungry jor...dear..wake up le ma? why havent wake up o.. i wanan eat dinner with u ler... then my friends ask me whether wanna go out eat ma but i said to them no need la...i wanna eat with my girlfriend. then they all leave without me. i waiting patiently for my dear dear cause she just woke up and wanna go bath. then i go and do my presentation slides for tomorrow. but when i call dear dear she like very bad mood like dat then i so scared that dear dear suddenly say she dont want eat. she said later a bit lah... so i just reply ok lo..when you hungry den tell me ok...
but it dint seem to be so happy afterwards...when i go and find my dear dear it seems like she not very happy like dat.when i smile at her then she smile back very fake. not a real smile. dear is something troubling u? then after she come out of EP we walk to the makan place and i hold her hand but it seems like she dont want to hold my hand. so i ask her is it you dont like me anymore? then she replied...yes.. i was hurt. suddenly i felt like something very pain in my heart. i kept quiet. but i still hold on to her hand. den suddenly she push away my hand and let go. i really dont know what to do...isit something happen? why is my dear dear acting like that? for the whole journey i dint speak a word. i was very very confused.
after dinner then come back on MSN she suddenly gave me a message that really very very hurt me.
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i hate u n i dun miss u very much lo
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i dun feel like wan to c u lo
KitKat® Cant Stop Thinking of You says:
KitKat® Cant Stop Thinking of You says:
why ler
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
n i dun feel like wan to hug u lo
KitKat® Cant Stop Thinking of You says:
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i everyday oso wont tink of u de lo
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i realli realli dun miss u u noe
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i reali dun feel like wan to be by ur side
mAnNY ® Cant Stop Thinking oF You says:
i hate u i hate u u noe
Thursday, February 19, 2009
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