today is dear dear leaving malaysia day....feel so bu she de.but dear dear happy, i should happy for him i wish my dear u have a happy nice trip.althoough everytime call u or u call me the background sound also very noisy and i cant tok to u properly,but when i listen to ur voice i really happy.i just wanna say i will be missing u everyday when u r not around beside me.feel wanna go to find u and hug u tight tight before u r going to indonesia.but i know it is imposible so i can just at melaka here wish u good luck and guai guai wait for u to come bac.dear...did u remember to bring me alot and alot souvenir???
today is only the 1st day without dear dear call,msg and msn.still have 6 days....i must be strong and do not cry because of missing dear dear so much.i got piglet 1 and 2 accompany me just like dear dear accompany i'm wondering izit dear dear got eat full full??wear nice nice??sleep tight tight??izit got miss me very very much as i do in melaka??izit everythg good to him....i wan to know all i wan to,but i tink it is impossible....feel so depress...i really miss u so much u know???dear not around,do everythg oso feel unsafe.if i face a problem how?who i gonna to ask?if my computer sot liao how??who can help i only realize that,i rely my dear very he is a part in my life,without him,i dunno how i face all the trouble in my life.alway,when i face some problem sure will call dear dear say "help"...but this week,is a challenge for me.i could not do anythg like call o msg dear dear cz dear dear is far away frm i have to challenge myself,not so rely on dear dear...but i know when u r coming bac...i will still rely on u de...maybe more tim~~~ngek ngek ngek....
when i heard u o feel u wanna leave me far far away,i will feel bu she de and wanna cry.i wan to c u and feel u everyday,i wanna tok to u everyday,although sometime will feel abit "fan" if u keep asking me somethg,but after tat i wish u can ask me many many thg since u r not around.den i can tok to u,know wat u did tis day,where u go tis morning,doing wat in afternoon,izit miss me at the sem has start dear..i have to live in the day without u.i have to take k myself,do many thg my alone,da bao alone.everythg back in to the day before i meet u..but i prefer the day i live with u.everyday do all the thg with together with u,eat with u,sleep with u,watching movie with u,doing assignment with u...i so miss last time.sweet sweet day.u alway make me laugh loud loud,make me ngam u like ah po,make me feel angry,make me feel happiness.everthg oso u i wish time can turn back.
today is the 1st day of new sem.but i'm not happy with the new sem life,i'm happy with i can be with u till today dear,im waiting for u to come to melaka find me.i'm so glad to waiting for the day u is the 1st day....after my 1st lesson in new sem, i took out my phone and wanna turn to not silent cz i thought mayb u will send me msg.but after i done tat onli i realize tat,i will misconduct with u in a week.feel so dissappointed.dear is the 1st day,i really went to MMU corner with hui mee leh...she said she feel wanna eat thr...haha...i tink continue will be more n more day i will having my dinner there, like before.but nvm,i tink tis kind of life will be end after tis two years,maybe i can be with u forever liao,although now i dunno how is the situation in the future,but i will try my best to be with u forever.
wondering where r u in which hotel?go to where to play?how is the environment?i tink dear dear u will be arrived in clock 5 or 6 something izit??den now should be standing beside the airport street,wondering how to go to the taxi?bus?train?erm...indonesia no LRT those kind of thg rite?last time if i no mistake i watch a show introduce the indonesia transportation,their LRT is a bus izit??dunno,mayb yes or no...hehe...i hope my dear u can enjoy all this.dear......miss u alot and alot....really so miss u...wanna call u and ask how r was the feeling in the aeroplane?meet any zombies o snake??(snake on a plane and life for dead movie)hehe....dear dear...i wanna hug hug now....if it was the last time,now i should be slept on ur bed plus snoring(u must say i have eventhough i dun have),den waiting for u to kiss me up to dinner.very miss the last good if u r here...muack muack muack....but i tink u r happy in indonesia tis moment,so i happy for u too...hehe...i love u dear.
feel missing u dear dear....
do what also no mood, dear...
miss miss miss u dear...
smile for dear dear...
A long distance kiss for u dear...
i love u forever dear....miss ya.muack~~
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