Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Im now in a cybercafe in tanjung kling here near my workplace..which is also near to klebang. cause since my hostel room no internet line i have to come here to online liao.. so cham..how i wish i was in bukit beruang now...so fang bian..what also have..but now i am here need to survive. it seems like this wont be the last message that i will write in our LD..when i read back wat i write last time i really very hurtful. i also dono why i would write such things. so very guo fen lor.i really hate myself so much for writing all those.i have to delete it cause it really very painful for me also. really unable to read it.i dint mean to write all those things dear. can you forgive me? can you give me a chance to make it all right again? I know that you are having hard time doing all the assignments and very busy to do your study. i just want to be there for you when you need me. actually i trust you de that you go out with boy just to study ok. i dint to mean anything else. i will think all this is because i keep on thinking of you and over guan xin ni liao...maybe i too free nothing to do but think of you so i will think alot of nonsense thing. dear you dont have to explain to me ok i believe the truth ok. when i read your reply i really very hate myself for not taking time to ask you further and to understand how you are doing there and what you are going through...it is so very selfish and stupid of me.. i know that ok..i wont blame you for hating me de. i know that there is nothign else for you and sean cause i know you wont do anything hurt me de....i should have taken the time to ask you and listen from you. i will always trust you and believe you de dear. yuan lai you were very happy happy to tell your friends that i will be coming to melaka to work..how sweet for you to din go back seremban just to see me and watch ice age with me.all this i want to know dear. i really want. i dint mean to execute you or not give you any chance. when i said break up is my biggest mistake in my life.i really really so regret to say it u noe.cause in my heart i dint mean to break up with u.cause i will die if i lost you. i really cannot live without u dear. please...i dont want to leave you and i wont disappear from your life and i wont walk far far away from you ...i know everything is i think myself that is why i really hate myself for it. My heart has only you and i willing to do anything for you. i know you dint do anything that betray me or hurt me dear...so i will wait for you ok. i want you back cause i really really love you so much i really do.i hope we can have a chance to be back together again and be sweet sweet. i just waiting for the day cause you told me that we need to give ourself time to calm down but you will find me de. i will be waiting for that day dear. i will wait until the day you come and find me. I miss you so much dear...

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