Friday, January 2, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR DEAR DEAR DeAR...Bao Bei Dear i want to wish you a very happy new year 2009 ..wish that this year will be a better year than last year dear. i wish that this year brings more hapiness and luck for us bao bei. just wish that i can spend every day every moment together with you in this new year. Dear on new year's eve was one of my happiest days together with u although we are miles apart but i stil can feel you beside me. just like i hold you and hug u while ur beside me. when i hear your voice my heart was pumping even more faster. dear this is the first time i countdown the new year with u o ... u must always remember it ok ok ok? i will always keep this in my heart forever de...u at the beach there then i at the queensbay there we countdown nice ehhehe sure dear i remember that this is our 3rd celebration together..first is dong zhi ma then 2nd is christmas ma then 3rd is new year ma correct? heheh sure correct la...i where will forget the moments i spend with you de wor..i always will keep in my heart de.
dear i really make u feel so xin fu? really reall really? how much ? how much xin fu? hehehe..dear when i hear this i super fill with joy cause i want you to feel xin fu together with me.i want everyday of ur life to be fill with me and joy.everything u do i oso want to be part of it. u sleep i oso want to sleep with u. u eat oso i want to eat with u. u drink i oso want to drink with everything with u. just you and only you. dear you know ma? this last few days i very very very miss u u noe ma. ever since i come back penang i miss you like crazy every time. why like this r dear? then when last night we talk on the phone i very happy that i can hear ur voice even for a moment. dear i really feel very warm when we can talk on the phone. it makes me feel very close to u.
Dear...i know im busy with my work but u must know this dear..i everytime i working in my mind i will always think of you. sometimes my whole mind is full with u den i cannot have any space to do my work liao den my supervisor will scold me. sometimes i do halfway my job den suddenly will fa tai. daydream. that is the time when my whole mind is thinking of u. u really can make me stop like dat. dear...u very powerful le.dont like dat la dear. give me some space for my job oso ma. dear dear so greedy want to ji into all my brain wahahahha.. bao bei wo zhen de hen xiang ni. even if my job very busy buy i will every second every minit will care of you and wanting to know what you are doing there. i will keep you in my heart forever and ever dear.
bao bei dear dear i dont want to lose you can? i really very afraid of losing you cause i already have fallen deeply in love with you d. no one can replace you liao.i have you u in my heart complete liao.i everytime will think of the happy things we do together then i will sha sha laugh there myself wahhaha...i really got so silly meh dear hehehe
aiyo dear r if i not funny then u will still like me meh? hahaha u want me to be the serious serious kind of bf ? wahh i scared u will scared man...
what 做坏坏的事 o..heheheh dear dear naughty lo..ppl busy finding movie for you to watch then u suddenly dono what ahppen become so high like dat terus kiss me and touch me..aiyoh...make me like dat lo..blerk~~
next time i will try to control myself liao hehehe dont so easy let u seduce me hehehe
but actually i like u to seduce me de wahahhahaha

har? dear u dono i know how to build computer de meh? even before i come to intel to work i already know how to build liao de is very easy de actually..ahhaha dont see like very complicated. even you oso can build it de. you really so shock meh? hehehe if im not more smart and more li hai den u den i not fit to be ur bf liao wor..cause i want to be able to care and take care of you de ma. dear u know ma...our love so strong i feel like everything is nothing liao. mean i can do anything i put my mind to. i can achieve excellent when i have you dear.i can be very successful with you and our love dear. you are very very very important to me bao bei.
bao bei dear wo hui jia you jia you de also k..must study hard and be hardworking liao ok dear...i oso want to see you success.then we together can be very successful and have a good life in future. dear i feel that we can cause we last time do many things together liao den i feel our teamwork very keng. no one can so perfect match us liao owowow..

bao bei dear...wo jie shou ni.. dear i very appreciate your support and gu li de ehehehe dear yesterday i send you all of those sms i really mean it de ok. i really love you very much dear. i will never stop loving you for watever reason. i really cant make myself to stop thinking about you.everything about u. i have fallen deeply in love with you. dear another few more weeks nia then i can see my darling bao bei liao..ehhehe so happy..wo hui nu li de dear. the sweetest moment we can spend together liao. dear we still have manny manny manny manny things havent do together dear... like go shopping go holiday go themepark play sleep at the beach and watch stars,see sunset togehter..all this things i want to do with dear dear. i just cant wait to see you and be together with you
dear i love you very very very ultra much...
ai shi ni...

dear dear dear...where is our pics dear..i want i want i want...dear post it la dear...please please please..u have alot of pics havent send to me le..when can i get it o?????

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