Dear dear dear dear we will celebrate many many new year together dear. Year 2009 is just our starting year. we have very very long journey still to go. and i want to spend every moment of that journey just with you can? just be by yourside and do everything together with you. as long as your with me i will live everyday to the fullest and i will feel very xin fu and happy just because i have you dear.
Dear actually i feel the most luckiest guy on earth is more happy and more lucky feeling than striking 4D jackpot...but if can let me strike ma piao oso not bad hor hehehe bao bei...since the very first day i with you i have always been very kai lang and i always know that you will be beside and then i wont be sad and i will do everyting with passion and full of love dear.
Dear now is exam hai hao ma? got eat properly ma? got sleep enough ma? hui xin ku ma? all this i only thinking in my mind everyday every minit...dear you really have made me sha mind all is about you do you know? dear exam period i wish that i can be with you dear so that we can study together and dont let you suffer so much...dear i dont want to see u xin ku ok?? i want to accompany you study till late late...if i close my eyes or feel wanan fall asleep pour water on my face ok dear then i will wake up liao hhehehe...dear dear sorry that i cannot accompany you must jian qiang ok ? then dont lazy wor...must jia you jia you study ok? i know you very rajin study till very very late liao...good job proud of you.
Dear do you know that day when i receive your sms after your exam i very very very super duper happy ma.. i suddenly feel so wonderful and my world become like so perfect like dat. dear its ok least got those question you manage to do then is ok liao...dear im very proud of you that you know how to do..means that your study dint go to waste dear...all your effort is worth it de..hehehe chio man..high five baby... dear hahah got ppl ask you whether you patoh r...your forehead there got write you patoh meh? or you where a t shirt there said [ NOT AVAILABLE SORRY ]
ohh yuan lai you and that gong zhu is same ID number de r...always sit so close...erm you and her good fren isit..
Dear it is so good to hear that you are happy and feeling so xin fu and everyday full of laughter...cause lou po zai hoi sam ngor zao hoi sam lo hehehe
hahahah dear u noti la..when got thing happen then think of my ham sap ham sap face...walau eh..what la..cannot think of my xiao shuai (small handsome) face meh ? har har har? cannot meh? cannot meh? hehehe
dear if you want to show off to the others that we are very xin fu i dont mind de r.. cause i want to show to the world how xin fu we are hehehe want to make them so jealous of our xin fu-ness heheh ok ok ok lo...i will forgive u wahahhaha
dear im very serious de ren de ok hehehehe...we both serious de ma good lo...dear i really treat this relationship very serious de..den i dont want to play play de ok dear...wo tui ni shi ren zhen de
i really dont wish to lose you as my girlfriend cause i really treat you as my one and only and i hope that we can go to the end...go on together forever...everyday hope for the best dear. you know ma? not only you zai nu li ze ok? me oso got 努力着维持我们的感情 ok. i dont want to hear those two words. i dont want to say those two words and dont want to even know those two words ok. i just want to be with you. i dono what i will do without you.
walau eh...say me huai huai ren again know me best lo bao bei.. no one know me more than you do lo..erm...follow proceduce shi ying gai de ma...u will fall asleep meh if follow procedure? then i ma pour water on ur face lo dont let u sleep wahahhaah...ok dear...hehehe i follow you dont follow procedure ok? ok ok? heheh
if you like chi ji gan de dong xi then wo jiu bu zai yi de wor..hee we hui gei ni gou gou li.. extreme 刺激 wahahhahaha...but i will control de hehe
Dear last night when i call you i feel so warm when i can hear your voice do you know ma? it is like you are just beside me talking to me only...but i touch my pillow.. haihz..dear i want to touch u can ma dear? can can? i dotn want to touch pillow i want to touch you dear..touch your hair, your lips your hands your leg your body and your ...erhm..erhm... dont tell you ehheeh dear i want to fill you dear.
i want to let you know how much i love you in my heart bao bei
Dear dear friend went to Tokyo Japan then took photo of something interesting le dear... he told me then i really cannot believe my eyes u noe ma..really really cannot believe it... then he fast fast email to me...when i open it....

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