Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time flies by so fast. i just came back from my relative place in penang. 11.15am.Sunny Day. Nice weather.the first time i did when i came back was on my computer and check our love diary. wondering what dear dear has written to me. dear dear post really so touching and so feeling. it really made me drop gan dong. the more i read the more i miss dear dear. the more i want to go back now and hug dear dear and kiss dear dear, never wanting to let go of dear. its already past one more week d. very short only. not long more then i can be with dear dear. everyday im counting the days and it looks very fast.wait for me dear. i know you can do it. our love is very strong. i believe that we can. you have to be jian qiang ok? everyday im thinking of you. you are always in my mind.everything i do. everything i say will have you in me. how nice it is if the time can turn back to that day when we together. do everything together.go many many places. do many many things. eat nice nice food.together on the bridge see the sea.wind nice dear.i want to have you in my arms, can smell your nice nice smell, feel your warm and tenderness. being together with you made the world stop. the most romantic place is just being with you.everything we do also is romantic as long as we do it together.

Dear. i really really have fallen deeply in love with you. So love you that everything i do i will always think of you. you are the world to me. my everything. i cannot lose you dear. i cannot bear to lose you. if u go away i dono what will become of me. i dono what i will do. i will go crazy.

Dear, you dont have to feel insecure ok dear. even though u cannot see my expression and my eyes but everytime i talk to you im the most happy man ok. im not feeling and sadness ok. im really really very happy everyday ok dear. as long as im in love with you, i am forever happy.

Dear, live your life with me. that is how you are suppose to 过好每一天 ok.Dear i want to know everything that is happening to you ok.i really care so much about you. i want to know what u do each day. whether you got any problems or not. dear you sick already. i want to be beside you and take care of you so that you recover and kang fu very fast. Dear, dont worry about me ok. i can handle my work pressure de. i wont 疯掉. i wish that if your sick you can tell me ok dear. cause i really worry you and care you so much. Dear, u must take care of yourself for me ok. i dont want you to be sick. you must eat properly and rest properly and drink many many water. dont always eat biscuit and maggie mee only ok dear. promise me ok.

Dear i want to tell you something i feeling in my heart all this time. 我真的很喜欢很喜欢dear
................. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

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