Thursday, December 11, 2008

~~ Our First Date ~~

Today was a special day cause im able to finally meet my dear dear for the first time. so kan cheong. dono how she will react and how she will feel. took bus from penang to melaka. reach melaka sentral at 7am. then reach home fast fast go and prepare myself. took bath and set up nice nice. 10am was the date. After getting everything ready then started journey to EP where my dear stayed. waited in front of EP for her to come down.reach there early so that i wont be late. sms dear that i reach already then she say wait a while cause she havent finish doing hair hahah then waited till 10.30 till she came down. The moment i saw her my heart began to pump faster and faster. She wore a beautiful purple dress and necklace and shoes. She put slight make up on hehe first time talk to dear really very exciting. She really very pretty that day. I kept on looking secretly at her while she was not looking at me. but sometimes i fail. cause she dono how so clever can noe that im looking at her then she will turn to look at me then the shy shy me will look down hehehe. today was a bright and shinny day. the weather was warm and nice. Since my car was left back at penang this was the first time i took bus with my dear dear. The first time we sit together i felt a bit nervous..wondering how she thought of me and how she feels. She kept quiet sometime then i felt like she dont like me or that she maybe so cool like that. hahhah but later we talk talk and chat chat felt more and more comfortable. everytime she smile and laugh will be the happiest moment. i like dear's smile. everytime i see u smile i feel very happy. it makes you look more lively.

Ouch..yuan lai dear's pinch is very pain pain de hahaha i like to kacau dear dear cause will make her qi hehehe then she will hit and pinch me ahahah. dear always say im bad and noti. but hor nan ren bu huai nu ren bu ai de wor so i must be more bad blerk~ everytime im with dear dear we will talk alot of funny thing then laugh until dono where. At first i ben ben de cause when in the bus i wanted to hold dear hand but i scared. nervous le..cause dono how u will react. dear sorry that i dint hold your hand when got off the bus cause maybe you will dont like. but when the first time i hold your hand i really felt very excited happy heart pumping very fast jin zhang all at the same time. the first time i feel your hands in my hands. first time i felt your skin and touch all so warm and nice. hehehe when we hold our hands together we yao lai yao qu like small children patoh hehe..felt like first love all over again even though we have patoh for many times but this time felt very special. felt like first time patoh.

We went to MP and DP first. the decorations all so beautiful. christmas de lights and trees all so nice. i wish i could take foto with dear dear but she already took with her friends liao. Dear i know you very bored with MP and DP d hahahaha everytime oso go there right? i think dear close two eyes oso can know how to walk around liao hehee but go MP and DP is different with me ma not meh? even i been to MP so many times but going with u really is special feeling. let other ppl see that we holding hands together :-)

After that we went to eat at Wong Kok Chan Teng. I told dear that the red bean drink very big de but she dont believe then she call liao only she know hehehe but never mind when dear dint finish then i can help dear drink some ok? The first time we go to watch movie is Quarantine in GSC pahlawan. The moment she put her head on my shoulder was the sweetest moment. so loving. i like dear to put her head on my shoulder then i can hug you and hold you. I felt like kissing you but when i think that if our first kiss is in the cinema then not romantic at all. so i dint kiss you first. but only kiss your hand hehehe dear dear actually very scared of watch scary movie de cause she will close her eyes. haaha so cute le dear. you so scared but still want to watch. the whole movie i really kena jump many times. suddenly the guai wu come out of no where. scared me man. but i will still protect dear dear de.

I just want to be alone just with you. just the both of us. like the time we both together sit on top of the pahlawan stage. i can talk with you. hug you and hold you.just feel you beside me im already very happy d. but after that got some malays babi come and kacau us. shit. cannot leave us alone de meh???? dear we take many funny funny pics there haha. after that suddenly rain so heavy. we cannot go back liao then when you slept beside me i feel so xin fu. i feel that i love you so very much and i can take care of you. i wish that the moment would just stop for us. having you sleeping beside me then i hold you in my arms. raining.

Dear, even though we had to walk all the way to eye of malaysia. i was very determine to bring you there cause u always wanted to go there right? ever since got eye on malaysia i havent been there. this was the first time. OUR first time. we walk from DP there to eye on malaysia but only halfway hahaha...sorry wor dear. no sampan. but that place is the most beautiful to take picture with dear dear. not many ppl know how to go there. alot of ppl want to go there but dont know the road cause the taxi man oso dono how to bring them go. ASK ME LA hahaa.. the eye on malaysia very beautiful at night dear. it was amazing and so spectacular. it can change lights somemore. goodthing i so lucky can take the purple light.

I will always remember our first kiss dear -- in the sky-- on eye on malaysia--in the clouds. i wanted to make is so very special. i can hug u tight tight. kiss you. i wont forget the moment. i hope the thing wont stop. keep on turning and turning.let us both be together. but 5 rounds quiet long liao oso..very worth it dear. even though we had to walk in the drizzle. but it was the most wonderful time. i can hold you and walk beside the river with you. we also kiss beside the river. when i heard you say "I LOVE YOU" i feel so happy because im so so so much in love with you. ever since long long time i wanted to know how you feel towards me. now i know. dear you make me so complete. i feel like im the luckiest guy on earth. i just want to spend every moment together just with you. JUST YOU.

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