Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Im now in a cybercafe in tanjung kling here near my workplace..which is also near to klebang. cause since my hostel room no internet line i have to come here to online liao.. so cham..how i wish i was in bukit beruang now...so fang bian..what also have..but now i am here need to survive. it seems like this wont be the last message that i will write in our LD..when i read back wat i write last time i really very hurtful. i also dono why i would write such things. so very guo fen lor.i really hate myself so much for writing all those.i have to delete it cause it really very painful for me also. really unable to read it.i dint mean to write all those things dear. can you forgive me? can you give me a chance to make it all right again? I know that you are having hard time doing all the assignments and very busy to do your study. i just want to be there for you when you need me. actually i trust you de that you go out with boy just to study ok. i dint to mean anything else. i will think all this is because i keep on thinking of you and over guan xin ni liao...maybe i too free nothing to do but think of you so i will think alot of nonsense thing. dear you dont have to explain to me ok i believe the truth ok. when i read your reply i really very hate myself for not taking time to ask you further and to understand how you are doing there and what you are going through...it is so very selfish and stupid of me.. i know that ok..i wont blame you for hating me de. i know that there is nothign else for you and sean cause i know you wont do anything hurt me de....i should have taken the time to ask you and listen from you. i will always trust you and believe you de dear. yuan lai you were very happy happy to tell your friends that i will be coming to melaka to work..how sweet for you to din go back seremban just to see me and watch ice age with me.all this i want to know dear. i really want. i dint mean to execute you or not give you any chance. when i said break up is my biggest mistake in my life.i really really so regret to say it u noe.cause in my heart i dint mean to break up with u.cause i will die if i lost you. i really cannot live without u dear. please...i dont want to leave you and i wont disappear from your life and i wont walk far far away from you ...i know everything is i think myself that is why i really hate myself for it. My heart has only you and i willing to do anything for you. i know you dint do anything that betray me or hurt me dear...so i will wait for you ok. i want you back cause i really really love you so much i really do.i hope we can have a chance to be back together again and be sweet sweet. i just waiting for the day cause you told me that we need to give ourself time to calm down but you will find me de. i will be waiting for that day dear. i will wait until the day you come and find me. I miss you so much dear...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

i really very love u n miss u....
i jz wanna be stronger....
i jz wanna let myself not so rely on u....
i jz wanna decline ur burdan....
i dunno y will happen all this...
im so soli...
but i really love u n miss u....

Saturday, July 25, 2009

i dunno why u will tink all this...i dunno how to explain n i dun1 to explain.i just wan to tell u the truth. whether u believe it or not, i jz wan to tell u the truth.
the sean guy is onli one of my gang, v..i really mean v, include all my frens oway hang out 2gth have dinner, study 2gth, selling thgs 2gth, jz one time go out to play due to v simply promise anth gang v will go out 2gth, who knows they really wan to go. Nth else, really nth else for me n sean.and wat u c in my mail box, i tol u, u r jz reading the surface but u never never tink of wanna noe the deep inside.y i would said like tat, y i would reply such msg to him, u thouhgt ur gf really so unshame to tok with a guy like tat?wat kind of person u tink of me?somemore he has his gf with one year stable relationship.wat i could do to him or to u n me?i dun wanna explain, or tel u wat i mean in the email is bcz i noe u r oway trust me, believe me, but now i noe u r not.u oway tink i will simply find anth n leave u alone.u thought everythg but u never thought i really need u, really appreciate u if not i wont walk such a long journey with u.u NEVER N EVER!!!u said i spend very happy time with sean, i feel very humour of it, spend hapy time?i never go out alone with him,never n ever.i never try to spend more than half day with him oso.our topic jz around IB event, selling thgs, how to stop selling thg, nth else.i dunno y u will say wat spend happy time with him.i suddenly felt u r so....so....dunno how to say.u could creat the story urself jz to find a reason to break up with me.tats the point!i so disappointed when i read all this...heart pain until wanna take it out n i wish i could 4gt u frm now on!!!!!u can ask anyone of my fren, how happy when i tol them u monday will be working here.how sweet m i when everyone ask me y i din went bac to sbn tat week n bcz i wanna wait u come to find me.how sweet m i when i tol everyone i ady watched ice age with my bf...all tis u NEVER wan to noe!!!u jz wanna noe how i kidding with my fren n u jz tink everythg in the wrong way.tats all have in ur heart to me!u r jz execute me without giving me any chance.if u wanna leave me, i wont force u to be here.if u wanna disappear frm my life, jz walk far far n make sure u never turn ur head.dun regret with wat u do bcz i din do anythg wrong n all is jz u tink urself.yes, since u said goodbye to me, i will do watever thgs to 4gt u,as u wish.although it is really tough to me....but live as one person better than gth with a person no longer trust me.
i jz wanna say: I DIN DO ANYTHG THAT BETRAY U, HURT U, N I NEVER N EVER MEANT TAT I WANNA BREAK WITH U!!!!!plz rmb wat u have tell me now...n 4ever...goodbye!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

its 12.50pm 06 July 2009...the weather is raining so heavily outside..whole day dint stop rain a bit..im in bp in my house alone..everyone went out d left me here...last night i did a very stupid and silly thing...i got so emotional and simply think...i dono what happen to me...maybe is the loneliness inside of me...or maybe is the long long time that i cannot see u or feel u or touch u... when i receive ur sms saying that you were yamcha with ur frens and u saw my housemates.. i thought that when u saw my housemates only then u will tell me where u were...cause since i so far from u i cant see u dear..i cant noe what u are doing there..who u with...i noe that u will feel very fan and very sien if i everytime also ask u where u are and what u are doing...but ...i just want to noe...i will try to control myself ok...to not ask u so much time...dear dear...i know that u are very suffer that i am not there and you are finding your friends to accompany u and make u happy...but i know that u would go out with guys de...even dan du u also will go out...i pretend that i dont care but i really very unhappy...cause inside i really dont want other guys to be alone with u... dear ..do u noe ma? i actually have no confidence in myself to keep u loving me very strong...but i am trying very very hard dear...to make u feel that i am there with u...make u feel i am near by u...
last night i totally could not sleep cause i know that u are out with 2 guys...i know i should not be like that...i know u also have the freedom to go out with who u want also...but i dont know why i feel like i cant do enough for u...im scared dear...im really really very scared of losing you... i know as more and more days i am not around you...maybe you will feel that dont have me also u can be happy...but i really really very very love you do u noe this?
im very alone here dear...i wish i could just go back to melaka and stay with u forever...
that day when i call u...i just wanted to hear u and talk a while but i feel like u dont want to talk to me anymore...i feel so down and sad...i noe that u feel like we are going to have nothing to talk anymore soon...i dont want ...i really dont want to have nothing to talk to u...
dear...i need your strength for me to go on dear...i cant do this without u dear.. i really cant...
i dint even know whether you got come back last night or not...my brain keep on telling me not to think so much but my heart keep on thinking of u dear...
i very scared that because of us quarrel then u will go out with the 2 guys and dont come home..
dear... i miss u so very much...i just want to hug u and feel u and love u...

just now i just read a very very meaningful story and i feel it dear....
































她喜欢你,她绝对不会拒绝你的拥抱,她只会害怕你的冷漠转身无声安静。    请记住,相爱的人不要轻易宣战,因为冷战带来的伤害,超出你的预计。






It's been so long since we last talk...missing u still

To a dearest miss ng woan man aka my bao bei dear dear,i miss u so much here.i feel so lonely without u...i dont know whether you have gotten used to life there without me already or not but for me i am still not really used to it.sometimes when i am doing something i will still think of you. maybe is the emptiness in my life or too much time to spend since i not yet start to work. but you have changed...changed so much..i scared tat i cant keep up with u...when u move more and more far away from me i scared that i cant keep up with u ...i dono how my life would be if i start to work...i noe it would be different as i have less time to sms u and talk to u..sometimes i asking myself that why fate make us to separate to different place. why other coupes can stick together but we cannot??? miss i girl that you love is very sufer...when u need her hug she is not around you, when u need a shoulder she is not around u, when u hope to hold her hand she is not there..although we need to separate to different places, but i trust her and she trust me.i believe we can face this challenge and i hope we can put effort together dear...i love u very muchsometimes i just want to know every thing that is happening to u..to noe what you are doing every second and every moment..who u are with..who u are talking to...where u are..what u thinking of...every minute i will check my handphone and see whether got ur sms or not...or even a miss call also can...i hope u miss me as much as i miss u... maybe u very busy and feel that it is very fan to tell me everything that is happening... i wont blame u dear...i just hope that u can feel me dear as i feel u everytime...